Law Office Evgenia Fotopoulou
6, Vasilissis Sofias Ave., Athens, Greece. P.C. 106 74
Phone: 210 36 24 769, 211 7 80 80 80


Though integrated in the trade/commercial law, the financial system remains a distinctive category due to its extraordinary significance, not only for investors, but also for everyone that deals with money or its substitutes. The shattering shifts in the field of the Stock Market, the turmoil in the international economic arena and the influence of the socioeconomic situation on the banking sector, inevitably have paved the way for the engagement with the law of finance in its wider meaning. We provide complete and liable legal support regarding:

– The law of securities- all sorts of issues related to checks, bills of exchange and bills, commercial orders, debentures, repositories, pawn tickets.

– Loan contracts with banks, contracts of overdrafts, settlements of “indebted households”, issues with bank interests and compound interests, solutions for special issues of letters of guarantee, illegitimate and exploitative contracts’ terms.

– Stock market law, information regarding bonds, securities shares of mutual fund, bonds of the Greek Public sector, function of a Co-guaranteeing capital, institutional frame for companies providing investment services, exercise of remedies against decisions of the Stock market Committee.

– Particular issues of Stock market of primary and secondary market, contracts of option, trade contracts of exchange, contracts of re-purchase, contracts of transaction of securities.